Grow The Game!
What is #GTG Iniative?
Black Star Lacrosse Club Mentors and Coaches are passionate about growing the game in Greater Los Angeles. If you have a school, youth group, church or program that would love to learn lacrosse - please complete the form below and we can schedule a class to teach lacrosse fundamentals to the youth in your community!
We have introduced lacrosse as a medicine game to over 800 kids in Los Angeles County within the last year.
City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks
City of Inglewood Recreation and Parks
LA City Council District 8
LA City Council District 9
Project Blue
Brotherhood Crusade
CommUnity Build
4Ward Progress
St. Albert The Great Church
Los Angeles Unified School District
Alliance Schools
Viper Lacrosse Antelope Valley
Boy & Girls Club Challengers
Crenshaw YMCA
William Nickerson Gardens Recreation Center